Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1301 Newport Avenue, Northampton, PA

Click HERE for news from the UOC of USA website (The official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the United States)

The website of the Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood includes information about scheduled events in all local Orthodox parishes.

Click on the CHURCH NAME to open the church's website:

Protection of the Holy Theotokos (Ukrainian)
Protection of the Virgin Mary (Carpatho-Russian)
St. George (Antiochian)

St. Nicholas (Greek)
St. Nicholas (OCA)

Annunciation (Greek)

St. Paul (Antiochian)

Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Ukrainian)

St. Philip (Antiochian)

Holy Cross (Greek)
Holy Trinity (OCA)

The Dormition of the Theotokos, explained through the icon of the Feast:

To strengthen Orthodox Christian communities and to share the timeless faith of Orthodoxy with the contemporary world through modern media: radio, the Internet, podcasts, DVDs, television and more.  See Go to the worship page to view Orthodox services live. Live streaming of Pan-Orthodox services including Divine Liturgy, Vespers, Salutations, Bible Study, Sermons and More.

A directory of Orthodox Internet Resources (Links to just about every conceivable Orthodox web site):

Orthodox Resources for Star Wars Fans

With Star Wars mania gripping the country here are three articles published by the Orthodox Christian Network to help people put this cultural phenomenon in the context of their Orthodox Faith.   I will you will enjoy reading them and sharing them as much as I enjoyed writing them

May The "Phos" Be With You!   So next time you watch an episode of Star Wars with your friends and family be sure to let them know about the real Phosthat is the light of world and the Orthodox Church that has been teaching His way and reflecting this uncreated Light for over two-thousand years.

Four Orthodox Lessons From Obi Wan Kenobi
  Each of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Orthodox lessons that are described above provide valuable insights into our vocation as men and women  More importantly, the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi is an invitation for each of us to delve deeper into our lives as Christians.  Star Wars is great as a story but it fails as a way of belief when compared to the Orthodox Christian Faith.   There are no Jedi-Masters in the Orthodox Christian Tradition but there are countless fathers and mothers of the Church who provide timeless teachings and examples about what it means to be human.

Four Orthodox Lessons from Luke Skywalker   Fr. Thomas Hopko writes that “According to the Gospel. . ., those who would be great become small. Those who would be first, put themselves last. Those who rule, serve as slaves. Those who would be rich make themselves poor. Those who want to be strong become weak. And those who desire to find and fulfill themselves as persons deny and empty themselves for the sake of the Gospel. And, finally, and most important of all, those who want really to live have really to die. They voluntarily die, in truth and in love, to everyone and everything that is not God and of God.”   Orthodox Christianity really does turn the world upside down 

LUBA Feature: Keep America Beautiful.  See

Seminary Retreat: Sacred Music and Worship:  See

Orthoanalytica (Orthodox Podcasts)

Can't attend services? You can listen here during services at St. Vladimir's

The (OCN) Orthodox Christian Network provides 11 podcast channels, 25 online radio stations, and online broadcasts of the Divine Liturgy and Orthodox TV programs to reach this audience with the truth of the Orthodox Christian Faith.

Twitter OCN:

When traveling to another location and you would like to locate one of the over 3000 Orthodox Churches in the U.S., go to and search the parish directory for the nearest one.

The following website is a collaborative, “pan-Orthodox” effort between the Orthodox Christian churches of the Lehigh Valley, administered by the Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood.  (If you are directed to an error page, Click on dismiss to go directly to the website).

IOCC, an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America,represents Orthodox Christians in North America and understands its work to include developing in Orthodox Christians a commitment to philanthropy and global cooperative involvement in the work of the Orthodox Church.

Current and archived issues of the Ukrainian Orthodox Word, the official publication of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA:

The OCIC website is one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 700 articles and 6,000 printed pages.  This site has been online since 1996 and receives over 36,000 unique visitors per month.

The website of St. Sophia's Seminary in South Boundbrook NJ.

Relevant videos posted on The Protection of the Holy Theotokos Parish in Allentown, PA.

This site is RISU, the Religious Information Service of Ukraine.  This is a project of the Religion and Society of the Ukrainian Catholic University.  It contains news, exclusives, opinions, photos, announcements, and other pertinent articles. (Read in Ukrainian or switch to English mode by clicking on "en")

This site is that of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.  It contains news, information about the Ecumenical Patriarchate, information about  Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, orthodoxy and the environment, feature articles and news.  (Read in Ukrainian or switch to English mode by clicking on "Enter English Site") is the site of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).  OCMC is the official international missions agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of America (SCOBA).  The mission statement is to help fulfill the Great Commission of Christ (Matthew 28:16).  OCMC strives to establish vibrant Eucharistic communities throughout the world, to develop and support indigenous church leaders, and to strengthen the infrastructure of their churches. OCMC carries out this work primarily, though not solely, in countries where Christianity is in the minority and where the Gospel message has not been proclaimed. OCMC will recruit, train, send, and support Orthodox missionaries to preach, teach, baptize, construct, and minister to the spiritual and physical needs of those being served and saved.

Go to the following site to read about FOCUS North America.  It's mission is to serve the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick and imprisoned by providing food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding, and Shelter.  FOCUS North America will serve those in need, by providing aid through our programs and partners, support Orthodox Christian social action ministries, agencies, professionals, and volunteers, and supply parishes and others with the education, resources and training needed to initiate social action ministries in their own communities.

Go here you to find news and other information about the Patriarch Mstyslav Ukrainian Heritage Museum and Archives, as well as the St. Sophia Library. You will also find a calender of upcoming events sponsored by the Center.

The Mission of “Journey To Orthodoxy”, founded by Father John A. Peck is to provide a place for inquirers, converts and others to explore, share information and fellowship, in preparation for entrance into the Orthodox Christian faith.

Visit the Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of New Jersey

Six weekly Lenten reflections, written especially for you by IOCC board members past and present. Read online or download the full booklet.

The Orthodox West has materials gathered to assist orthodox and non-orthodox learn about the Western Rite in the Orthodox Church. Be sure to check the blogs, resources, and watch the documentary!

Ukrainian Christmas music (2 hours)

Ukrainian Christmas Music Playlist at these links: AND

The first-known recording of "Shchedryk" (arranged by Mykola Leontovych) by the Ukrainian National Chorus (1922) courtesy of Marko Farion. 

Translation of the Relics of Saint Efraim the New 

Journey to Pascha 2020 (Poster) at

O Taste and See (Communion Hymn from Presanctified Liturgy):


We try to keep our links up to date but we can't control changes on other web sites. If you find a link is no longer pointing to the expected page or if you have some other problem with it, please email us so we can correct it. Thanks.





NOTE:  Go to the Weekly Bulletin link on the Home Page for this coming week's Tropar, Kondak, Prokimen, Alelluia verses, liturgical calendar, Necrology, Birthdays, Anniversaries, and relevant announcements. 

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