Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1301 Newport Avenue, Northampton, PA
The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
Ukrainian recorded sound archives

 From the Archives:

The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom was performed by the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church Choir.  This music was compiled by the Very Reverend Mitred Andrew Dworakivsky, the celebrant.  The Choir director at the time was Walter Dworakivsky.  The original vinyl recording was produced at Helfrich Recording Labs in Allentown,  PA.  There were 2 albums recorded, labeled sides one, two three, and four.  I converted the selections to mp4 files accessible through the links below and they are playable through your music player.  If any church members or friends have pristine vinyl recordings in English and would be willing to lend them to me for a day or two, please contact me so that I can copy them in order to obtain better recordings for our website.

The Divine Liturgy in English (Scroll to the bottom of this page if you wish to download the entire Divine Liturgy in Ukrainian (Dropbox download).

Click on the this link, side one to hear the following selections in English::
The Great Litany
First Antiphon
The Little LItany
Second Antiphon
Glory The Only Begotten
The Little LItany
Third Antiphon
The Little Entrance
Tropar, Kondak, Bohorodichen
The Thrice Holy

Click on the this link, side two to hear the following selections in English:
To the Spirit
Glory to Thee
Glory to Thee
First Litany of Faithful
Second Litany of Faithful
The Cherubimic Hymn

Click on the this link, side three to hear the following selections in English:
Supplicating Litany
The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
The Creed
A Mercy of Peace
It is Right
Holy, Holy, Holy
We Praise Thee
and Meet it is

Click on the this link, side four  to hear the following selections in English:
And All the People
Supplicating Litany
The Lord's Prayer
One Only is Holy
Praise Ye the Lord
Come and Receive
Blessed is He
We Have seen the True Light
Let Our Mouths be Filled with Thy Praise
Litany of Gratitude
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

 Choir Members:
Very Reverend Mitred Andrew Dworakivsky (Celebrant)
Anastasia Dworakivsky
Walter Dworakivsky (Choir Director)
Walter Pypiuk  
Terrence H. Pypiuk
Rosemarie K.
John Bruchok
Michael Lubenetsky
John Vitushinsky Sr.
Kathleen M. Crayosky
Helen A.
John Seremula Jr.
John Seremula Sr.
Roger Seremula
Walter Seremula
Joseph Seremula
Anna Seremula
Darryl Meashock
Alex Malanitch
Martin M. Sheska
Betty A. Woyewoda
Janet D. Woyewoda
Anna Smallen
Eugene Sheska
Martha X. Sheska
Barbara L. Sheska
Xenia M. Sheska
Anna Varonkevich
Gloria Zadubera
Anna Hewko
Rosanne Hewko
Marcia Ann Hewko
Melanie Unger
Madeline Chorney


Click on this link to see a bitmap image of the choir: Picture of Choir

If you would like to hear this in Ukrainian, click on this link, Divine Liturgy in Ukrainian.

The Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center Archives contain numerous audio recordings. Many of these are reel-to-reel recordings made in the 1950s and 1960s. Given that the expected lifetime of magnetic tape is about 50 years, the Center has launched a major "emergency digitization" initiative in order to migrate these valuable (and likely unique) recordings to modern media. The recordings span a diverse range of content and genres, including musical events, radio interviews, church services, speeches, literary readings, and much more. See link below: