Fr. Michael Kon, Fr. Nikolai Breckinridge, Fr. Richard Jendras, Fr. Milorad Orlics, Fr. Andrew Damick, Fr. Joseph Landino, Fr. Thomas Underwood, Fr. Dcn. Patrick Maher, Fr. Nicholas Palis, Fr. Oleg Kravchenko, Fr. Protodeacon Michael Sawarynski
Fr. Michael Kon - Bulgarian orthodox diocese. Nikolai Breckinridge - St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Bethlehem, Fr. Richard Jendras - St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church Allentown, Fr. Milorad Orlics - St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Elkins Park, PA, Fr. Andrew Damick - Ancient Faith Radio, Fr. Joseph Landino - St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church Emmaus, Fr. Thomas Underwood - St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church- Allentown, Fr. Dcn. Patrick Maher - St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church Emmaus, Fr. Nicholas Palis - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Bethlehem , Fr. Oleg Kravchenko - Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church Northampton, Fr. Protodeacon Michael Sawarynski - Assumption of the Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church Northampton

Welcome to the Christian community of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA the newly baptized child of God ELIZABETH, daughter of Fr. Oleg Kravchenko and Olha Kravchenko-Beizyn of the Assumption of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Northampton, PA
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The service of the Holy Mystery of Unction, a very moving service in support of the health of Fr. Bazyl and Dc. Mychail
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Holupki Production November 2017 - 11/10/2017
The ambitious and ever-faithful UOL members preparing over 900 delicious and sought after holupkis.
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Pierogies, 2017 - 05/18/2017
The last day of the 2017 Pierogie production season at the AVM church! How does 440 dozen sound? Pics include cheese cutting, potato peeling, and of course, the all important pinching. ....and there is the now famous golden pierogie ornament!
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St Nicholas 2016 - 12/18/2016
Just Who is St. Nick?
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Essay Contest and School Blessings
Father B. blesses the school kids and teachers and grants awards to the essay contest winners.
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Dormition of our most holy VIRGIN MARY, Festal Vespers, Burial Service of the Mother of God Blessing of flowers - 08/27/2016
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Nutroll & Cheesecakes!
........38 cheesecakes sold. 200 nut, poppyseed, apricot, raspberry rolls sold.
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Holy Supper on the Eve of the Nativity in the AVM Church Hall - 01/06/2013
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